Friday, August 21, 2009

Abdul Kalaam,Hashmi,Sharu Khan....

Abdul Kalaam frisked before allowing entry into USA.
Hashmi denied buying a flat .
Sharu Khan grilled before allowing entry into USA.
The corrupt and religious fanatic(anti Hindu) Indian newsmedia screams
Who is to be blamed for the above happennings.
We have only to blame Kalaam,Hashmi and Khan who are followers of a religion which teaches ,as its fundamental tenet,that (1) only Islam is true and other religions are false(2)followers of other religions (khafirs) should convert to Islam(3) if khafirs do not convert to Islam it is the duty of the muslim to kill them(jihad)
Today all over the world Islam is becoming a menace.The western countries with a false sense of secularism and imaginary nobility allowed muslim immigrants.But the muslim immigrant is clear about his jihad against khafirs.And the western countries find the threat of their being taken over by muslim population increasing at an alarming rate
There is one good thing.The Christians used to think that Hinduism ,a satanic idol worshipping relegion ,should be finished and they may join hands with muslims in this cause.And they are rudely woken up to find that muslims will finish not only Hindus but also Christians.That explains the way Kalaam and Khan were treated by USA.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Arindam Chaudhuri on Slumdog Millionaire

What Arindam Chaudhuri says is correct.Condemn Slumdog Millionaire